Begin  The Authors

Tropical Diseases:

I Leishmaniasis
II Paracoccidioidomycosis
III Blastomycocis
IV Chromoblastomycosis
V Lepra
VI Sporotrichosis
VII Histoplasmosis
VIII Rhinosporidiosis
IX Mycetomas
X Rhinoscleroma
XI Chagasdisease
XII Actinomycosis
XIII Mucormycosis
XIV Amoebiasis
XV Protothecosis
XVI Lobomycosis
XVII Phaeohyphomycosis
XVIII Pruritus actinicus
XIX Bite of snake
XX Coccidioidomycosis

 List of cases


XII. Actinomycosis

Case 62: Actinomycosis / Alveolar fistula

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Alveolar fistula

Click here to see the picture 62-A1

In this young girl from the State Barinas developed an ulcer in the mandibular region with a diameter of 2 cm and the presence of a small hole of a fistula in the centre. This fistula discharged occasionally small yellowish granules.

Click here to see the picture 62-B1
Alveolar fistula

The cheek of this patient shows a skin lesion very similar to an actinomycotic infection with a central fistula. The process developed after a periodontitis with radiculitis.

Click here to see the picture 62-A2

The biopsy slide stained with the HE method shows in the abscesses the presence of irregular formed blackish -blue clusters. These are typical grains of the bacteria Actinomyces israeli. The actinomycetes earlier were classified as fungi. Today they are reclassified and belong to the bacteria, but kept their fungal name. In German they were called "ray fungi" and the disease got a similar name. In animals the Actinomyces bovis is the species causing actinomycosis. In the industrial countries this infection nowadays is seldom, but it is seen still relatively frequent in the developing countries and in the tropics.

Click here to see the picture 62-B2
Alveolar fistula

Histologically a non-specific inflammation is seen with haemosiderin pigment. HE stain.

Click here to see the picture 62-A3

The grain of fig. 62-A2 is stained black here with the special fungus stain, the Grocott method. On the surface of the grain the filamentous structure of the actinomycetes may be recognized. The localization of the infection is typical in this.

Click here to see the picture 62-B3
Alveolar fistula

In the superficial layers of the skin blackish fungal hyphae are observed representing a secondary dermatophytosis caused by Tinea versicolour. Grocott method.

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Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Los Andes
Merida - Venezuela