• Snapshots of Kaldone G. Nweihed’s Early Youth 

      Nuwayhed al-Hout, Bayan (Venezuela, 2022-11-08)
      Th is article is based on selected excerptions from Kaldone Nweihed’s diaries about his childhood and adolescence in Palestine during the British Mandate. Main topics include Kaldone’s education in German, English and ...
    • The Kurdish Confl ict in Turkey: A Brief Revision to an Intricate and Long-Lasting Ethnic Matter 

      Torres Calderón, Laura Joselin (Venezuela, 2022-11-09)
      The Kurdish confl ict in Turkey relies on several issues that can be traced to ethnic and religious concerns. Turkey is a secular state and also an Islamic nation, and as the principles of Islam are intrinsically linked ...
    • Vigencia del mar, vigencia de Kaldone G. Nweihed 

      Foghin Pillin, Sergio (Venezuela, 2022-11-08)
      Gran parte de la vasta obra de Kaldone G. Nweihed (Jerusalén, 1929 - Caracas, 2020) está dedicada al Derecho del Mar y temas conexos. Dicha obra inicia con los dos volúmenes de La vigencia del mar (1973/1974), en los que ...