Ecotropicos - 022(1)
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Enero - Junio 2009
Enero - Junio 2009
Reproductive ecology of
Psychotria poeppigiana (RUBIACEAE): a comparative analysis
between long-styled and short-styled plants.
Ecología de la reproducción de Psychotria poeppigiana (RUBIACEAE): un análisis comparativo entre plantas longiestiladas y breviestiladas.
Valois Cuesta, Hamleth; López Perea, Diana Y. y Quinto-Valoyes, Zulay -
Epizoic polychaetes
(annelida: polychaeta) on Crassostrea rhizhophorae (guilding,
1828) from la restinga lagoon, Margarita island, Venezuela.
Poliquetos (annelida: polychaeta) epizoicos de Crassostrea rhizhophorae (guilding, 1828) de la laguna la restinga, isla Margarita, Venezuela.
Díaz Díaz, Oscar; Liñero Arana, Ildefonso; Villafranca, Siolíz and Allen, Thays -
A matrix model for the
population dynamics of Hyptis suaveolens, an annual weed.
Un modelo matricial para la dinámica poblacional de Hyptis suaveolens, una maleza anual.
Schwarzkopf Kratzer, Teresa; Trevisan, María Cristina and Silva, Juan F. -
Ritmo diario de
alimentación y tamaño de presa en cuatro especies simpátricas de
plecoptera (insecta) en un río tropical andino.
Daily rhythm of feeding and prey size in four sympatric species of plecoptera (insecta) in a tropical andean stream.
Gamboa, Maribet; Chacón, Marleny y Segnini, Samuel -
Resúmenes de tesis.
Thesis summaries.
Recent Submissions
Resúmenes de tesis
(Venezuela, 2010-05-20) -
Ritmo diario de alimentación y tamaño de presa en cuatro especies simpátricas de plecoptera (insecta) en un río tropical andino
(Venezuela, 2009-12-08)Se comparó la actividad diaria de alimentación y el tamaño de presas consumidas por las ninfas de Plecoptera de Anacroneuria chorrera, A. cacute, A. paleta y A. tachira, especies que viven en simpatría en el río La Picón ... -
A matrix model for the population dynamics of Hyptis suaveolens, an annual weed
(2009-12-08)Hyptis suaveolens is a neotropical annual weed that invades savanna agricultural systems. Although fire, grazing and soil disturbances have been proposed to cause its local dominance, these factors have not been experimentally ... -
Epizoic polychaetes (annelida: polychaeta) on Crassostrea rhizhophorae (guilding, 1828) from la restinga lagoon, Margarita island, Venezuela
(2009-12-08)Species richness of epizoic polychaetes on the mangrove oyster, Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guilding 1828), was studied. Monthly collections (January-August, 2001) were made. Oysters were separated from mangroves roots by ... -
Reproductive ecology of Psychotria poeppigiana (RUBIACEAE): a comparative analysis between long-styled and short-styled plants
(2009-12-08)We investigate morph-specific patterns in flower morphology, nectar concentration, and foraging behavior of flower visitors in a population of Psychotria poeppigiana (Rubiaceae), a distylous species of secondary forests ...