Itens para a visualização no momento 17-18 of 18

    • The new SCI wave 

      Domingo, Carlos; Sananes, Marta (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      The new SCI wave (Domingo, Carlos; Sananes, Marta) Abstract An inquire about the future of SCI is attempted based in the ideas of technological waves and the metaphor of SCI as a virtual city. Technological waves ...
    • Web modeling-simulation: 

      Domingo, Carlos; Sananes, Marta; Tonella, Giorgio (SABER ULA, 2005-01-06)
      Web modeling-simulation: Two strategies (Domingo, Carlos; Sananes, Marta; Tonella, Giorgio) Abstract The paper presents an approach on how to exploit the benefits of Internet and the Web for promoting and improving ...