The creation of the group of Biopathological Investigations for the Dentistry Faculty (GIBFO) was founded in the clear necessity to update the knowledge base which is required by all the teaching personnel as part of its function of research, since the group directed its attention to study and expand upon themes related the area of medical dentistry to contribute to the area of human resources in the post-graduate level. Being a multidisciplinary group formed of distinct professionals from the area of health, with formation, specialization and or mastery of the specific areas (Histology, Physiology, Human Anatomy, gastrology, Periodoncia and Microbiology), reaching and wide spectrum of action for the production of new learning, with lines of research which include: Characterization of ((Chimó)), Characterization of Pathological Bacteria, Standardization of Techniques in Gastrological Microbiology, Infection Control and Environment Monitoring, Morfofuntional characterization of the Oro-Facial region; this without exclusion to the capacity to create new lines at medium and long terms. Moreover, the group looks to expand its reach opening the possibilities to investigate along with other groups inside the University of the Andes, and with other Universities and Institutions of Venezuela and the world. Lines of Research: - Characterization of Chimó - Characterization of Pathological Bacteria - Standardization of Techniques in Gastrological Microbiology - Control of Infections and Environment Monitoring - Characterization Morfofuncional of the Oro-Facial Region