Now showing items 1-10 of 87
Lie Groups of Conformal Motions acting on Null Orbits
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Lie Groups of Conformal Motions acting on Null Orbits
(Carot, Jaume; Coley, A. A.; Sintes, A. M.)
Space-times admitting a 3-dimensional Lie group of conformal motions acting on null orbits containing a ...
Conformal symmetries in warped manifolds.
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Conformal symmetries in warped manifolds
(P. S., Apostolopoulos; Carot, Jaume.)
The existence of a Conformal Vector Field (CVF) is studied in the important class
of warped manifolds of arbitrary dimension ...
Scalar field cosmologies: a dynamical systems study
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Scalar field cosmologies: a dynamical systems study
(Carot, Jaume; Collinge, Magdalena M.)
Inhomogeneous G2 solutions whose material content can be modelled by a scalar field are considered with a view towards ...
Scalar field spacetimes
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Scalar field spacetimes
(Carot, Jaume; Collinge, Magdalena M.)
Scalar field spacetimes are considered with a view towards their applications in cosmology. Some results existing in the literature are reviewed ...
On the geometry of warped spacetimes
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
On the geometry of warped spacetimes
(Carot, Jaume; da Costa, J.)
An invariant characterization of warped spacetimes is given and a classification scheme for them is proposed. Some results on the curvature ...
Energy-momentum types of warped spacetimes
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Energy-momentum types of warped spacetimes
(Carot, Jaume; Haddow, Barry M.
The possible energy–momentum types of warped product pacetime are investigated using the classification given by Carot and da Costa.
Some developments on axial symmetry
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Some developments on axial symmetry
(Carot, Jaume)
The definition of axial symmetry in general relativity is reviewed, and some results concerning the geometry in a neighbourhood of the axis are derived. ...
Conformal symmetry inheritance in null fluid spacetimes
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Conformal symmetry inheritance in null fluid spacetimes
(Carot, Jaume; Keane, A. J.; Coley, A. A.; Hall, J. S.; Tupper, Brian O. J.)
We define inheriting conformal Killing vectors for null fluid spacetimes ...
Conformal symmetries in null Einstein-Maxwell fields
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Conformal symmetries in null Einstein-Maxwell fields
(Carot, Jaume; Hall, J. S.)
It is shown that if a null Einstein-Maxwell spacetime admifs a proper conformal vector field it must either be a (generalized ...
Conformally reducible 2 + 2 spacetimes
(SABER ULA, 2008-07-02)
Conformally reducible 2 + 2 spacetimes
(Carot, Jaume; Tupper, Brian O. J.)
Spacetimes which are conformal to 2 + 2 reducible spacetimes are considered. We classify them according to their conformal algebra, ...