Noticias y Eventos
Título: 2nd IFIP International Conference on History of Computing and Education
Fecha: Santiago, 20 al 25 de agosto de 2006
URL: Ir a http://www.wcc-2006.org


2nd IFIP International Conference on History of Computing and Education

The World Computer Congress organized under the auspices of IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing, took place in Europe 11 times, North America 4 times, and Asia and Australia 3 times. Forty-six years after IFIP foundation, the congress will take place for the first time in a Latinamerican country. The SCCC, Chilean Computer Science Society, is very proud to welcoming the most important event dedicated to The Sciences and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This will be a wonderful opportunity because for one week, more than 2000 delegates, coming from more than 70 different countries, will debate the main questions and perspectives in ICT domain that is at the heart of the Knowledge Society of the XXIst century, and of the evolution of Information Society.


Revista Informática (, CLEI, IEEE, IFIP, Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias de la Computación (SCCC)


The domains covered by IFIP range from the theory of information technology to the analysis of the relevance of information technologies in our society; they also touch upon material technology and software, human systems interactions, and education. Twelve technical committees, including 75 working groups have the responsibility of sharing experiences and developing their knowledge in their respective domains. In total, IFIP brings together 3000 scientists from the academic and industrial worlds.


Invited Speaker: “Decades of Computers and Education - A Roller-coaster Relationship”
Prof. Deryn Watson
Information Technologies and Education, King’s College London

Comité Organizador:

Julián Aráoz, U. Simon Bolivar. VE
Nicolas Babini, AR
Cecilia Berdichevsky, SADIO, AR
Enrique Hinostroza, U. de la Frontera, CL
Jan Lepeltak, Leeuwarden Polytechnic U., NL
Nelson Maculan, Ministry of Education, BR
Claudio Menezes, UNESCO, UY
Lena Olsson, Stockholm Institute of Education, SE
José Pino, U. de Chile, CL
Christina Preston, Miranda Net Fellowship, UK
Arthur Tatnall, Victoria U., AU
Deryn Watson, King’s College London, UK
Jan Wibe, Norwegian U. of Science and Technology, NO
Cristina Zoltan, U. Politécnica de Catalunya, ES

Lugar y Fecha:

Fecha de Realización:
20 al 25 de agosto de 2006

Centro de Convenciones Diego Portales
Av. Libertador Bernardo O Higgins 123
Santiago, CHILE

Información e Inscripciones:

Información de Contacto:

Mauricio SOLAR

Información Adicional:

Deadline: January 15, 2006
acceptance/rejection: March 15, 2006
Camera Ready deadline: April 7, 2006
HCE 2006: August 20 - 25, 2006

Mas información...

Categoría Geográfica: Palabras: Santiago Santiago
Categoría Temática: Palabras: Ciencias Computacionales Ciencias Computacionales
País: Palabras: Chile Chile
Descriptor Temático: Palabras: Eventos Eventos
Tipo de Evento: Palabras: Congreso Internacional Congreso Internacional


*Back-end Alejandría BE *