The National Center of Scientific Calculus (CeCalCULA) is the first supercomputation center in Venezuela. The center develops services and personnel training in the area of high efficiency computation and provides to the academic and industrial community highly competitive tools and computational techniques. CeCalCULA is a project ULA-CONICIT developed within Corporación Parque Tecnológico de Mérida (CPTM). This permits the affiliation of institutes, centers, R&D groups and independent researchers of our country and facilitates access to international cooperation funds. Its operation is guaranteed through a private company within the CPTM. In this way, the services of the Center are guaranteed to be uninterrupted, maintaining competitive salaries and work conditions for the support personnel. Inside the project CeCalCULA, two organizational structures are clearly differentiated: one is oriented towards maintaining the operational equipment with the highest technical standards. The other serves to disseminate within the scientific community the experiences and management skills of the tools and techniques associated with these new technologies. Areas of Work and Research: * Bioinformatics * Bioengineering and Medical Imaging* * High Efficiency Computation * Statistics and Mathematics Software * Computational Physics * Computational Geo-sciences * Electronic Collaboration and Information * Computational Engineering * Computational Chemistry * Computational Architecture and Visualization