The Botanical Garden Center of the Faculty of Sciences is a Research Center recognized by the University Council - ULA. Mérida-Venezuela. It is made up of two units which interact in instruction, research, and extension programs as if one in theory and practice (Botanical Garden and Research and Instruction unit). With the incorporation of Professors Margarita F. Torres (1977) and Mario H. Ricardi S. (1979) into the Universidad de Los Andes began what would be crystalized in 1992 as the Botanical Garden Center. The experience, dedication, and high level of productivity of these professors-researchers led to a qualitative change in the area of Botanical studies in the venezuelan Andes, forming a solid base upon which is being carried out scientific activity committed to the study of the region's natural resources and the valorization of the State of Mérida as a place of privilege in the world for the development of Botanical Studies. These twenty years of activity have resulted in the development of various lines of research particularly in the basic branches of Botany: Comparative external morphology (Systematic) and Internal morphology (Anatomy).